
The Fat Funeral

Digestion is a complex process that begins before food enters our stomachs. One often overlooked but crucial aspect of this process is chewing food properly. We’ve all heard the adage “chew your food well,” but the significance of this practice goes beyond good manners. Below, we will explore the importance of chewing food properly and how inadequate chewing can negatively impact digestion. 🤓


Chewing Basics 

Chewing is the mechanical breakdown of food into smaller particles, making it easier to swallow. Saliva, produced during chewing, contains enzymes that initiate the breakdown of carbohydrates. Proper chewing not only aids in digestion but also allows us to savor the flavors and textures of our meals.


The 4 Essential Roles of Chewing 💃

  • Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: Properly chewed food is broken down into smaller particles, facilitating the absorption of nutrients in the intestines. Inadequate chewing can lead to larger food particles reaching the stomach, making it harder for digestive enzymes to access nutrients.
  • Reduced Workload on the Stomach: Your stomach’s main function is to break down proteins, not to mechanically grind food. If food is not adequately chewed, your stomach has to work harder to break down larger particles, potentially leading to discomfort, bloating, and indigestion.
  • Promotion of Enzyme Activity: Chewing sends signals to the body to release digestive enzymes. Enzymes in your saliva initiate the breakdown of carbohydrates, easing the load on your pancreas and small intestine. Proper chewing ensures these enzymes have enough time to begin working their magic. 
  • Prevention of Overeating: Chewing slowly and thoroughly allows your brain to receive signals of fullness from your stomach, helping you to avoid overeating. Rushing through meals can lead to overconsumption and weight gain. 


4 Ways Inadequate Chewing Impacts Digestion 🫠

  • Insufficiently chewed food can lead to indigestion, causing discomfort, bloating, and even heartburn. 
  • Nutrient Deficiency: Incomplete digestion due to inadequate chewing can lead to malabsorption of nutrients, potentially causing deficiencies over time. 
  • Gut Distress: Large food particles can create an environment conducive to the overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the intestines, leading to gastrointestinal issues.
  • Weight Management Challenges: Rapid eating and poor chewing can contribute to weight gain by disrupting the body’s ability to regulate hunger and satiety signals.


Chewing may seem like a simple and mundane activity, but its impact on your digestion and overall health is profound! Taking the time to chew food properly can enhance nutrient absorption, reduce the burden on your stomach, and prevent a host of digestive issues. So, the next time you sit down for a meal, or a snack, remember to take your time. Your digestive system will thank you for mindfully savoring each bite and chewing thoroughly. 


Love and Light,



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