
The Fat Funeral

Starting a new workout regimen can be intimidating. You’ve got to move your body in ways perhaps you never have before in front of people you don’t know. You’ve got to use weights, cables, and machines for muscles you didn’t know you had. And the idea of sweating in front of strangers might be stressing too. There is such a thing as gym anxiety and it’s totally normal. With these 10 tips you’ll be walking into the gym with confidence and a solid plan!  


5 Reasons to Never Fear The Gym

  1. Every single person in the gym was a beginner. Do not compare your fitness journey with anyone else’s. Comparison is the thief of joy and an unnecessary waste of your energy. 
  2. You have a goal and you want to achieve it, therefore you deserve to be there. 
  3. Don’t let rude people get in the way of your lift. Trolls will troll but that’s not you. 
  4. Do some recon on the equipment available to you and talk to a professional if you have questions about it.  (I’m here for you! Message me. 🙂)
  5. Bring a friend. Having a familiar face by your side can make the whole workout more fun and engaging. 


 5 Tips for Training Like a Pro

  1. Have a plan. Creating a workout split will help you stay focused on your fitness journey. See the sample split below.
  2. Make sure you’re well rested, hydrated and fueled up BEFORE and AFTER your workout.Doing so will     support your efforts during workouts and at rest.
  3. Wear an outfit that is comfortable and that makes you feel good when you wear it. Seriously.
  4. Clean the space before and after your sweat sesh. Most gyms have cleaning wipes or sprays available for you to use, use them. There’s no guarantee the person before you cleaned up SO… say NO to germs. When using benches, wipe them down. Weights, bars and dumbbells, re-rack them. Roll up the mat you used after you wipe it down. Be the example.
  5. Warm Up!  I can’t stress this enough. If you’re taking the time to train, you want to do it right. Right? Warm muscles are able to achieve far more than cold muscles. By warming up you create a flow of energy that will boost the results of your sweat sesh.  In addition to that, this is fantastic opportunity to wake up your mind! Get laser focused about the tasks ahead. Visualizing yourself doing the exercises with good form. Visualizing yourself with the results you want. Fitness is very mental practice. The saying, “mind to muscle” is legit. Your mind controls your body and you control your mind.  Fitness is a lifestyle, a lifelong journey. It requires patience and kindness toward self. Remember that and bury your doubts.


Here is a sample workout split : 

  • Monday: Back, Biceps and Abs 
  • Tuesday: Glutes and Core 
  • Wednesday: Upper Body and Abs 
  • Thursday: Legs, Core and Cardio
  • Friday: Full Body 
  • Saturday: Yoga / Stretch 
  • Sunday: Rest 


Love and Light,



Feel free to contact me anytime to schedule your complimentary consultation, personal training session, or for more information on how working together can help you achieve your health and fitness goals!

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