First, we must get clear about our current mental, physical and spiritual state. Consider these questions before you begin your next movement activity or training session.
Do you have a pre-workout routine? I recently took a poll on my IG story asking the same question “do you have a pre-workout routine?” and the answer was one hundred percent “I don’t”. To change that I’m sharing with you how to create one below!
Here’s your first set of questions. Ask and answer honestly. Are you tuned in? Do you want to exercise? Why are you exercising? Are you hungry? Hydrated? Tired? Annoyed? Stressed? If you’re mentally fatigued and your body is sending you signals, please listen. If you can power through though, do so. It’s time to outgrow your own bs. That’s how you build the life and body you want. 👍🏼
Second set of questions. Ask and answer honestly. Lying to yourself is not allowed. 😅
What are you going to do at the gym? Do you have an action plan? What are your goals? Will you focus on legs, back, arms or HIIT etc… Are you focused on stretching and yoga? Get crystal clear about what you’re going in there to do and go do it.
Remember we all start somewhere.
Most days the answers are all positive, I pack my bag and head out. No hesitation. I also know how fantastic I will feel after training so that’s a nice driving force. Some days, the tests come one after the other, and I just want to stay home and I do. No judgments. If you’re stressed, hungry, or too tired to tune in then give yourself a break. That break is more beneficial for you than suffering through a sluggish workout.
Honor yourself and the space you’re in. You have to parent yourself darling. Relax but also challenge yourself.
If you want it bad enough you’ll do whatever it takes, no excuses. None.
Take this checklist with you 💯👇🏼
- Am I tuned in or tuned tf out
- What’s my focus, my laser focus
- Am I hydrated, fueled and refueled
- Do I feel so fresh and so clean clean
- How is my energy
- Do I need to relieve sore muscles
- Have I set my intentions
Now you’re ready to hustle for the muscle oh AND positive self talk is a must the whole way through!